Home » Trending » ‘Operation wrap Seed’, Donald trump hopes for the development of Covid19 vaccine by this year’s end

‘Operation wrap Seed’, Donald trump hopes for the development of Covid19 vaccine by this year’s end

In today’s era, where everybody is suffering from the coronavirus which is an infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs. Human beings are tremendously getting infected with this COVID-19 with mild illness, and also it can make them very ill. Those people who are already having pre-existing medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes are more vulnerable to Covid-19.

So, the world health organization team has already declared it pandemic but US president declared that he will be going to select a designated pharmaceutical company whose main task is to work on creating a vaccine for this infected disease i.e. Covid-19 and also he has confirmed to the people that by the end of this year he has a complete faith that the vaccine will be available to fight against COVID-19. At the white house, he addresses the reporters that he expects to have a vaccination which will give them the best result and very soon they will be free from this COVID-19.

In regards to this, Donald Trump has created a mission with the name of Operation Warp Speed wherein he will appoint the head of the British multinational pharmaceutical company and four army generals who will majorly work on creating a vaccination to fight against the COVID-19. Also, he told the reporters that, once the vaccination has been created then it’s the task of the military people to distribute the same with the summon of global cooperation.

Also, Donald Trump stated that they are working with other global countries in the development of the same and whichever country gets the vaccination first will be grateful for them and then they will start working with that particular country. Moreover, the scientists of various countries clarify that they have never created such a type of vaccination to fight against COVID-19 which can give them a successful result. On the contrary to this, Donald Trump ensures the people not to lose faith and do not entirely remain dependable on the vaccination but with this mission, wherein, still the project will focus to create a promising vaccine with the accelerated research.

Other scientists along with the Donald trump assured the nation that their team is quite confident enough that at the end of this year i.e. 2020, their team will succeed in developing a million doses of vaccination which can give confidence to several people who are residing in the U.S. to come back to their normal life and it will help the Americans to boost up their economy.  While addressing the media, Donald Trump confronts that their research team is working with Indians in developing the vaccination as both of the countries have a great team of scientists and researchers who are targeting on creating this project as a successful mission.

US President Donald Trump also said in regards to the operation warp seed project that it’s a huge and massive task for them as this project will be a risky task as it will involve various scientific, industrial and logistical teams like creating a world’s first nuclear weapon to fight against the war. 

Regarding the COVID-19, US president Donald Trump assures the nation that with the efforts of various scientists and private drug maker companies they will succeed in developing a safe and effective vaccine for the nation. For the scientist of the U.S., creating any vaccination will be very costly but for this task, it would be easy as they will be getting support from the government in regards to funding so that they will primarily focus on this mission whose target is to produce an enormous amount of vaccination like glass vials and syringes to fight against COVID-19. 

Also, the president confirms that the companies working on this project have to submit a donated allocation of their therapy to the U.S. before distributing the vaccination.

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