Home » Trending » Pakistani PM Imran Khan accused India of threatening its neighbours through “arrogant expansionist policies”

Pakistani PM Imran Khan accused India of threatening its neighbours through “arrogant expansionist policies”

Imran Khan who is a prime minister of Pakistan has blamed that the Indian government on Wednesday i.e. 27th May’2020 is threatening its neighbourhood through the “arrogant expansionist policies” which means the rules and regulations implemented by the governments and states that directly involve expansion of the territorial base through economic or political outrage and military force which has become a threat to its neighbours as he tried to curry favour with Islamabad’s all-weather ally, China.

So, khan mentioned in the series of his tweets that due to the “arrogant expansionist policies” similar to Nazi’s Lebensraum (Living Space) is becoming a risk to India’s neighbours. Through the Citizenship act, Bangladesh involved in the border dispute with Nepal, China and Pakistan which frighten them with the false flag operations.

Recently, several areas along the 3500 km long line of actual control in Ladakh and north Sikkim have observed the military build-up by both the Indian and Chinese armies which reflects the sign of emerging tensions and hardening of respective positions by the two sides even two weeks after both of them got engaged in the two separate face-offs.

The line of actual control is a border between China and India. It has been stated that both the countries i.e. India and Pakistan consider their relationship as a friendly one and also, the leaders of both the countries have been frequently seen supporting each other on the matters of core interests. Imran Khan further blames that India had illegally taken the Kashmir and classified this unlawful act as a war crime.

So, in regards to this, Pakistan has been unsuccessfully trying from its side to persuade up international support which the country was getting against India for withdrawing the Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5th and further dividing the same into the two Union territories.

India told the international community that the discarding of Article 370 was its internal matter and also told to Pakistan to accept the reality of the same and stop all the anti-India publicity. Pakistan prime minister Imran khan also tweeted that the Indian government is not only an ultimatum to the country’s minorities but also a threat to the regional peace. Pakistan pm also recapitulates his stand on the cancellation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir as an illegal matter.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also reported that India’s aggressive policies towards its neighbouring countries are putting the country at the stake of peace and security. Pakistan government mentioned that rightist Modi government is not only a threat to India’s minorities by downgrading them to the second class citizen’s status but also a warning to the regional peace.

Khan also stated that the Hindutva Supremacist Prime Minister Modi government’s formal expression of disapproval followed a fresh flare-up in New Delhi’s longstanding land disputes with Beijing, and Kathmandu, and a controversial citizenship Act offering citizenship rights to different religious communities who are migrating from the Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. However, this law has excluded the Muslim community from these countries.

Sino-India border conflict or the Indo-china war which was set in the motion by the illegal construction in Ladakh which is a disputed territory as reported by the state-run radio of Pakistan. The foreign minister of Pakistan also told that china wants to resolve the issue through the dialogue i.e. “it cannot remain blind to the illegal construction done by the India”. It has been seen that the freezing relations between Pakistan and India who are, the nuclear-armed neighbours, plummeted further after the New Delhi cancelled the longstanding status of disputed Jammu and Kashmir last August.

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