Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made an extension of 2 weeks to the Lockdown plan.
The decision was made after a 4-hour conference with 13 ministers.
New Delhi: The council of ministers headed by prime minister Narendra Modi including Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh, and Nirmala Sitaraman will again be back at their ministries this Monday that is a day before the Lockdown ends to contain the coronavirus spread,
according to the sources.
Senior officials that are ranked as Joint Secretary and above are entitled to Transports will be reporting as usual . The sources stated that all third official staff had to be present.
The junior officials will be working on rotational basis.
Each of the Ministry has been given the work to have a post lockdown plan handy and
maintain ideas to restart the economy of the country with a much bigger force.
the PM has requested to still follow the protocols for social distancing.
The ministries have come to work after a month of work from home protocols being is in line with the centre’s Strategic change in order to deal with the crisis of
covid-19 cases- to a better choice that lays emphasis on overall protections and economic growth.
On Saturday after a 4 hour Video Conferencing with all the 13 ministers , the urge for
extending the lockdown time was supported.
According to the sources the said extension will come with some exemptions to kick start the economy. There will be an alteration to the laws in order to start the sale of production of the farms which ensures the reach of vegetables to consumers and them being indoors.
The laws to restart the constructive industry are also under review . According to the
sources, with a few protocols the industry of construction will also begin since this sector
plays a key role in employing thousands of migrants whose miserable conditions are making headlines.
The PM has also urged to keep adequate supply for the covid 19 patients and keep telling
the people through telemedicine about social distancing.
No decisions have been made as to restart the transport through flights domestically and
internationally and the trains to restart after tuesday.
India has reported 7500 cases of the covid19 and has shown 242 deaths till now
World has 17 lakh cases with the deaths accounting to 1.3 lakhs