Home » Trending » PM Boris Johnson says, ‘The UK will recover from Covid-19 crisis by mid-2021’.

PM Boris Johnson says, ‘The UK will recover from Covid-19 crisis by mid-2021’.

Prime minister of UK, Boris Johnson who has been criticized several times in acting slowly on the topic of coronavirus, recently in an interview with Sky News said that the UK will recover from Covid-19 crisis by mid-2021.

Johnson has stated that the nation might deal with the coronavirus pandemic till mid of 2021 and also said that the government is preparing for the second wave of infections over the winter season.

PM added that the virus has hit the world very badly and the UK is trying to recover from the virus and keeping the virus under control and the nation has faced crisis economically as well. He believes that the life of the people in the UK might return to normal by Christmas.
“We will have tough times ahead in keeping this virus under control, and we have tough times ahead in coming through economically,” said Boris Johnson.

UK has confirmed a total number of 298,000 cases of coronavirus with 4,5677 deaths.

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