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PM Modi will address the nation in his radio show Mann ki Baat at 11 am

As the country stirs in turmoil through the extended period of the nationwide lockdown, many speculate that there would be a Phase Three lockdown which will go on till the beginning of June as the positive cases pass the 24,000 marks in the country. Prime minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation through the 64th edition of the monthly radio program “Maan Ki Baat.”

“Opening speech”

Narendra Modi opened his speech stating that the fight against the pandemic is a people-driven war. “People of our country are fighting this war with the administration. We are also fighting poverty. I am proud that all of us are part of it. All of us are soldiers in this fight,” he said. He also stated that this period will be remembered through its people-driven actions as people will laud the government initiatives of diyas and clapping which have kept the public’s spirits high during these trying times.

“Lauded workers”

He also praised the farmers who are continuously working to ensure that there is no
food shortage or lack of stock. He also spoke of their sacrifices and struggles to keep
up with the demand. “Our farmers are working day and night in their fields to ensure
that no one goes hungry. Some people are giving up rents and some people are giving up their pension.”

He lauded the efforts of all those essential and frontline workers who have been
consistently working towards providing medical supplies and other goods to different
and remote parts of the country, including the aviation and railway sectors.
The Prime minister promoted the Union ministry’s online platform covidwarriors.co.in
to answer queries regarding the on-going situation.

“Protection of medical staff”

He then went on to address the attacks on medical staff and the new provisions for
their safety which has now been guaranteed under the Epidemic Diseases
(Amendment) Ordinance 2020 This act amends the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and
provides for compensation for injury to healthcare service personnel or for causing
damage or loss to property. This law was amended to protect the frontline workers who
are at risk and have been the victims of several attacks and threats over the past few

“Medical exports”

Modi also commented on the government’s decision to begin exporting the drug
hydroxychloroquine at the request of the United States. It has been taking orders from
countries all over the world and is working tirelessly to provide the supplies to different
nations in this time of crisis.

“Masks of the utmost importance”

He emphasized on the need to wear masks as the eminent threat of the virus continues
to grow. “We need to wear marks. It has become a part of our daily lives. It has not
happened before. But this is a new reality. Our perception of masks will change very
soon. We are also realizing that spitting has become hazardous. We have always been
aware of it but we never cared. But now we have to work to end this habit.”

“Religious festivals”

He also addressed the different festivals which were celebrated behind closed doors as
the need for staying at home outweighs these religious gatherings. He added that his
period has changed the entire perspective of society and brought public safety in higher
regard in comparison to religion.

“Social distancing is the need of the hour”

The Prime Minister ended his speech highlighting the need for public vigilance and the
an extreme need for social distancing to be practised at all times.
“We should not be overconfident. We should not presume that COVID-19 will not enter
our homes, offices, and colonies. We have to stay vigilant. We should ensure that we are
never negligent. I appeal to you again. ‘Do gaze door, bohot hai Zaroori, (Two-meter
distance is of utmost importance),” PM Modi says.

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