Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Leh, Ladakh Friday morning. He interacted with Indian soldiers, army, Air Force in Nimu and addressed them with his powerful statements.
As China wants to expand its country by acquiring the territory in Ladakh, PM Modi said Ladakh is a part of India. He also said the time of expanding the area has gone and this age is of development of the nations.
Modi complimented the hard work of the soldiers and paid condolences to those 20 soldiers who were martyred in the violent face-off between Indian and Chinese troops and paid tributes to soldiers who laid down their lives. He also said that the people of Ladakh have rejected every attempt to create separatism in the region.
In one of his statements, he said, “The age of expansionism is over, this is the age of development. History is witness that expansionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back.” He also added that courage is higher than that where every soldier is posted today. Without naming the country, Modi delivered a strong and clear message to China regarding its thought to acquire the part of India, Ladakh.
“Our enemies have seen your fire and fury. This land in Ladakh is India’s crown. It has given several brave hearts to the nation,” he said.
PM Modi said, “Peace can never be brought by the weak. Power is the condition to bring peace. India is widening its powers on land, air and water and this is for the welfare of mankind”. “Bravery and courage is a prerequisite for peace,” he said.
PM Modi also visited the soldiers who got injured during the face-off on June 14 – June 15 night in the hospital. By 2 pm he flew back to Delhi.
According to PM’s office, he reached the location Nimu which is at a height of 11,000 feet. He reached there early in the morning by chopper from Leh. The Prime Minister was accompanied by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army Chief General MM Naravane.
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