Bollywood diva Priyanka Chopra got married to Nick Jonas back in 2018 on 1st December in a three-day wedding at Jodhpur’s Royal Umaid Bhawan Palace, where they exchanged wedding vows as per both, Christian and Hindu rituals in two separate ceremonies.
Recently In a chat with The Sunday Times, the actress has spoken about everything right from her desire for children and whether the age-gap between her and Nick Jonas was ever a hurdle.
She said, “Neither was a hurdle. Nick took to India like a fish to water. But just like a normal couple, you have to understand each other’s habits and what each other likes. So it’s more of an adventure than trying to figure out hurdles. None of it was really that hard.” When Priyanka Chopra was asked about kids, she had a hilarious answer to it, “I do want children, as many as I can have. A cricket team? I’m not so sure.”
Recently, On 1st December 2020, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas celebrated their second marriage anniversary in London.
Western audiences got to know Priyanka – a top star in India – when she made her American Television Debut in the TV series Quantico which ran from 2015 to 2018. Since then, Priyanka has been involved in both Indian and American Productions.
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