Home » Trending » Protestor sets Minneapolis on fire after the brutal killing of George Floyd

Protestor sets Minneapolis on fire after the brutal killing of George Floyd

Protestor broke a window and climbed the fence after the unarmed black man died in police custody. Police fired the tear gas. Protestor
threw stones and sprayed graffiti.

George Floyd, 46 died on Monday and his video showed that policeman gasping him for breath through his neck.

There are many other protestors in Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles, California etc.

On Thursday, protestors gathered outside the police department’s 3rd precinct, which is near where Floyd died.

After protestor started throwing stones, officers fired the tear gas and rubber bullets on the crowd.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said that “The symbolism of a building cannot outweigh the importance of life, of our officers or
the public. We couldn’t risk serious injury to anyone and that we will continue to patrol the 3rd precinct entirely.”

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