Bigg Boss OTT hosted by Karan Johar got over recently and Divya Agarwal emerged as the winner. Many of them praised the actress and called her the deserved winner. Divya celebrated her victory with Rannvijay Singha and her boyfriend Varun Sood.
Rannvijay was quoted by TOI as saying, “I am extremely happy that Divya has won Bigg Boss OTT. I am very happy for Varun too. While Varun is doing ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’, Divya is winning BB OTT. It’s an achievement for the two of them. During the lockdown, both were thinking about what they should do in their careers ahead. I’m glad they are both doing good. Not just BB OTT, but even the other web show that Divya has recently done is being received well by the audience.“
He further added, “After Divya lost her father last year due to COVID, she has really been very strong and has taken all responsibilities on her shoulders. The way she has been taking all her responsibilities seriously makes me feel proud of her.“
Varun also shared that it is best to ignore the trolls as there’s no point wasting time on them, “Recently, when farmers’ protests were happening and many international celebrities came out to voice out their opinion. And after a few days, I read an article on Twitter that stated that those international celebrities had said that they have been facing trolls for a long time globally, but Indian trolls are the worst. So you understand that if international celebrities are saying that they have globally faced trolls but Indian trolls are the worst then you can just imagine the impact. We can’t do anything about them, the best is to ignore them and focus on the love that we get from the people. I know there are times when you can’t control and give it back to them and that’s justified but I feel it is wasting your energy. There’s no point in giving importance to them,” he concluded.
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