Ranveer Singh took to Instagram as he shared a nostalgic picture of Rohan Shrestha and himself, wishing the photographer on his birthday. The photo was taken when they were 14 years old, according to Rohan’s comment. Both the boys are twinning in the photo in black t-shirts.
The picture was funnily captioned, “Hi @rohanshrestha🙋🏽♂️💕 You are old”, by Ranveer.
This is not the first time that Ranveer Singh has shared an unseen throwback picture. He has done so on multiple occasions, sharing childhood pictures of Deepika Padukone and himself too.
Few popular personalities, such as Aditi Rao Hydari, Dia Mirza and Sophie Choudry, made comments on the post too. Rohan, himself, made the comment, “We are 14 in this. FML”
Rohan and Ranveer have been friends since school, along with two more in their group. They even performed together in a school play. They have worked together before when Ranveer featured in Rohan’s Charlie Chaplin series as Chaplin himself.
Inspired by his father’s profession as a film photographer, Rohan started his career as a Freelance Photographer in 2009. He has worked for giant magazines like Vogue, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Verve, Femina, Filmfare, People, etc. His first major shoot was for Ranbir Kapoor, in 2010.
Rohan was in news a couple of days ago, when his father blessed his and long rumoured girlfriend, Shraddha Kapoor’s union, saying, “If they decide to marry each other, I will happily do everything for them.”
The team of FreshTalk wishes Rohan Shrestha a very “Happy Birthday”.
Also Read | Janhvi Kapoor celebrates her 24th birthday on sets of Good Luck Jerry, INSIDE PHOTOS.
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