Home » Trending » Several Countries Requests India To Ease The Ban Of Pharmaceutical Exports In View Of Their Shortage Amid The Outbreak

Several Countries Requests India To Ease The Ban Of Pharmaceutical Exports In View Of Their Shortage Amid The Outbreak

India’s restrictions on pharmaceutical products will likely soon be unbanned as India has received pressure from the United States of America. The intense pressure is coming as a result of fear of drug shortages due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Corona virus pandemic was equally the reason why India issued the ban in early March.

Although the restrictions will be lifted it is not exactly obvious how many different types of drugs will come in as India is the biggest supplier of quarter of the world’s drugs. The United States of America whose death toll was recently at 5,000 are the most desperate for the ban to be lifted as well as countries like United Arab Emirates.

India banned a wide range of drugs including anti-malarial drugs, pain killers, inhalers and sedatives. India’s government had banned the continued experience out of fear of possible shortage so as to not hamper its fighting against Corona virus. The restrictions will be lifted for all countries. India’s ban on goods gave market to the Chinese as countries rather purchase their products from them. Although China was accused of not using quality products for their pharmaceutical. The ban was the export of 26 pharmaceutical ingredients. India gets about 70% of their ingredients from Chinese companies and the impending shortages are pushing prices of products up. Many of the drugs made in India are for export as about 50% of the drugs cannot be sold in domestic market. India’s government also asked people to not panic as there is enough stock to last for three months and there is currently no approved treatment for Corona virus.

Hydroxychloroquine is one of the drugs being tested for Covid-19 and was one of the drugs banned by India as well as common pain relievers like paracetamol.

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