Recently, Sonu Sood has been in the news for the IT Department raids. This philanthropist actor helped people a lot during the Pandemic. The recent raid has posed a lot of questions in the minds. Some relate it to political matters, whereas some completely support the decision.
However, the most important thing that people have been waiting for was his response. Finally, Sood replied “You don’t always have to tell your side of the story, time will. I have pledged myself to the service of the people of India with all my strength and heart. Every rupee in my foundation is awaiting its turn to save a precious life and reach the needy. In addition on many occasions, I have encouraged brands to donate my endorsement fees for humanitarian causes too, which keeps us going. I have been busy attending to a few guests, hence was unable to be at your service for the past few days. Here I am back again, in all humility, at your humble service for life. My journey continues.”
The IT Department had seized around ₹20 crores. It would be quite interesting to see what happens next.
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