On Friday, Sonu Sood shared on his Instagram that he has tested negative for covid 19. The actor shared the good news with a picture of him making a victory sign while wearing a mask. With the caption, “Tested: Covid 19”.
On Saturday he shared that he tested positive for coronavirus and was in isolation. He wrote, “This is to inform you that I have tested positive this morning for Covid-19. As a part of precaution, I’ve already quarantined myself and taking the utmost care of. But don’t worry, this gives me ample time to solve your problems, remember that I’m always there for you.”
Sonu Sood has proven to be a humanitarian in the past year. He is continuously working for people providing them help with beds, medicines and injections. Fans were disheartened to know that he was suffering from Covid 19.
Now, fans and celebrities are commenting, “Good News” and heart emoticons on the post including, Ekta Kapoor and Sonal Chauhan.
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