With tears in his eyes, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan welcomed the news that his son, Aryan, had been granted bail. These were ‘joyful tears,’ when his son was released from jail after 25 days in custody following his arrest in a drugs-on-cruise case. After being arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau on October 3 in a drugs-on-cruise case, Aryan, Arbaaz Merchant, and Munmun Dhamecha were granted bail by the Bombay High Court on Thursday.
Former Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi, who represented Aryan in court alongside Satish Maneshinde and Amit Desai, told the media after the court’s bail order that the Bollywood actor cried when he heard the news. Khan was “just having coffee after coffee,” according to NDTV. The senior lawyer went on to say that for the first time since the last time he saw Khan, he could finally see a big sense of relaxation on his face. The lawyer was concerned for him as well, asking if the actor was eating properly because all he saw him do was sip coffee after coffee.
“He has been very, very worried the last three-four days that I was there and I’m not even sure whether he had proper meals. He was just having coffee after coffee. And he was very, very worried. And I could see a big sense of relief, yeah, on the father’s face last time I met him,” Rohatgi told sources.
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