Home » Trending » Starbucks To Launch Drive Through Outlets And Home Deliveries To Mitigate The Economic Impact Of Covid-19

Starbucks To Launch Drive Through Outlets And Home Deliveries To Mitigate The Economic Impact Of Covid-19

Tata Starbucks, a company which is 50:50 joint venture owned by Starbucks cooperation and Tata consumer products. As a result of the Corona virus global pandemic the company has decided to organize drive through outlets and deliveries to make it easier for residents especially with the current restrictions in place. Most people will prefer to not visit stores because of the crowd and most Starbucks outlets have been closed down. Kevin Johnson the CEO of Tata Starbucks when addressing said “we are currently using e-commerce for our gift cards”. While also confirming that new announcement were still to follow.

In a statement released on Starbucks website it said “Starbucks is committed to caring for the health and wellbeing of our partners and customers and playing a constructive role in supporting local health officials and government leaders”. The company is also contributing $10 million to establish Starbucks global partner emergency relief program. It also announced that it will donate more than $3 million to support global corona virus relief effects around the globe. The Starbucks store partners have also offered free coffee to the front lines responders of Covid-19 cases as well $500,000 to support the front line responders in the US. In an open letter to the customers and partners Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson said “It is the responsibility of every business to care for its employees during this time of uncertainty, shared sacrifices and common cause. I hope to see many business leaders across this country doing all the can to refrain jobs”.

The announcement to temporarily move to a drive through and deliveries only is available only in the US and Canada. The announcement was made on Friday, in addition the company also agrees to pay its workers in the US for the next 30 days even if they choose to stay at home. The company has also been relying on lessons learned from China concerning best practices in taking care of customers.

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