Actor Hritik Roshan’s Ex-wife and interior designer Sussanne Khan took to Instagram to share a candid picture of herself in a black tee with her younger son Hridhaan in a black t-shirt. The mother-son duo looked adorable as they were seen watching a view. She captioned it as “Sunset Twinning #mysonshine #ridzfullofstars #offandoff” with the sun, sunflower and a smiley emoji.
Susanne’s fanbase has a soft corner for her pictures with her son, so she keeps sharing their kid’s pictures grabbing huge love from their fans on Instagram. Sussanne shares an awesome bond with her sons. Hrithik and Sussanne got married in the year 2000. Their elder son Hrehaan was born in 2006 and younger son Hridhaan in 2008.
After 14 years as a married couple, they got divorced in the year 2014. But despite their separation, they continued co-parenting their kids maintaining their cordial relation and are sometimes seen spending vacations together.
Hrithik Roshan was last seen in a movie in 2019 with Tiger Shroff and Vani Kapoor and is now working on his upcoming movies “Krrish 4” and “Fighter” with Deepika Padukone.
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