Home » Trending » ‘Those engaged in the service of humanity day and night are the true followers of Buddha’, says PM Modi while addressing a virtual session on Buddha Purnima

‘Those engaged in the service of humanity day and night are the true followers of Buddha’, says PM Modi while addressing a virtual session on Buddha Purnima

Due to the social distancing and quarantine guidelines, this year the Buddha Purnima
celebrations and prayer event was held through an online virtual conference held by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), a global Buddhists umbrella organization. The event was attended by all the supreme heads of Buddhists Sanghas from all over the world.

The celebrations were held through Virtual Visak Day in honour of the patients, those who died, the frontline workers, medical staff, police personnel, and other essential workers fighting against the pandemic.

“Streaming and prayer locations”

Prayer ceremonies on the occasion were streamed live from all the prominent locations with a Buddha connection – Lumbini Garden in Nepal, Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, Mulgandha Kuti Vihara in Sarnath, Parinirvana Stupa in Kushinagar, Pirith chanting from Ruwanweli Maha Seya in the sacred and historic Anuradhapura stupa premises in Sri Lanka and other popular Buddhist sites.

“Modi addresses the event”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier announced on the social media platform Twitter that he would be attending the event and would address the nation.
In his address, he thanked everyone for their cooperation in the successful managing and
hosting of the event during these desperate times when the world is passing through a tough phase. “The circumstances this time are quite different. So we are unable to meet face to face.

The International Buddhist organization deserves praise for organizing a virtual Vesak Buddha Purnima Day in these difficult circumstances of lockdown. Due to your innovative efforts, millions of followers from all over the world are joining each other in this event,” the PM said.

“Online streaming of worship programs being held everywhere is in itself an amazing
experience. You have pledged to celebrate this event as a prayer week for the frontline warriors from all over the world who are fighting the Corona global epidemic. I commend you for this compassionate initiative,” Modi said.

“Today, India is making every effort to save the life of every Indian, and is following its global obligations equally seriously,” he added.
He also added that the country stands with those facing difficulties due to the pandemic, both in India and abroad. “India is standing strong and selflessly in these difficult times with those facing trouble in India or abroad. India’s growth will always be aiding global growth,” he said.

He expressed his gratitude towards those who sacrificing their own comfort for the greater good to serve the public. He added that when we have love and affection for each other, these feelings would only make us stronger to handle the hardships in life.

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