Home » Trending » UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson extends lockdown until at least june 1 but some measures are to be eased

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson extends lockdown until at least june 1 but some measures are to be eased

The British prime minister Boris Johnson on Sunday said that Britain’s coronavirus lockdown will remain in place until June 1 but that they will be graduating easing of measures which have shut down the economy. He said, “This is not the time to simply end the lockdown this week”. The restrictions in Britain had been imposed since seven weeks ago. Shops and Primary Schools children could reopen from June 1. Passengers travelling to Britain will have to face compulsory quarantine and some public places could reopen. More than 31,800 people have died in Britain arising from the global pandemic. The prime minister said, “You can sit in the sun in your local park, you can drive to other destinations, you can even play sports but only with members of your household”. The prime minister of the United Kingdom had already spent about a week in the hospital due to the coronavirus which infected him. He referred to lifting the lockdown so soon as ‘madness’. The prime minister also said that RL the government could allow the people to go back to work like construction and manufacturing.

“We will hope to reopen at least some of the hospitality industry and other public places”. Testing and contact teaching will be done aggressively so that infection rates could be closely monitored. The Government of the UK has had to face a lot of criticism over the way of handling the coronavirus pandemic. Britain is the second-highest country with the most death from the Covid19 pandemic besides the United States. The opposition Labour leader Keir Starmer said: “ What the country wanted tonight were clarity and consensus, but we haven’t got either of those”.

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