Home » Technology » Unacademy app to offer five free of cost full length UPSC prelim exams to help the student prepare for exams amid lockdown

Unacademy app to offer five free of cost full length UPSC prelim exams to help the student prepare for exams amid lockdown


Most of the students aims to pass UPSC and their are struggling hard to face the exam. In their hardwork, Lockdown become as the break. They are many online sources to read UPSC in Home. Students can make use of this online sources. Unacademy app, Grade up, Byju’s and many other online platform are located to develop their knowledge. Everything thing depends upon the hard work and hardwork will never be wasted. Now unacademy app has provided the free prelims exam to make the students to train.

“Training platform”

Students those who attending the ex for first time will have fear of managing the time and fearlessness can be acquired by the students only by training.

“Training makes the man perfect”

It is applicable in all cases. To exhibit ones talent, fear should not be as the problem. Preliminary exam is the first one to face by the students. In order to get the training and to face the exam bravely, Unacademy app has provided the free prelims exam for the students. It the great online platform.

“To crack exam”

It will s highly competitive exam compared to other exam. so, to lead others one should be have the knowledge on all bases. Their is the history that many had cracked the exam by making use of online platform. Many will have the financial problem in that case one can make use of online study materials. Technology had developed. One who crack the UPSC by using the online sources is Shruti Jain deskmuk.
She cracks her Union public service commission using online platform. It depends upon the Individual ability. Those who have dream they can.

“Dream leads to action, action leads to achievement”

“Patulous duration”

Thus lockdown made favour for the students in all cases. They was 5he national wide lockdown no one is supposed to go out. Many exams are postponed. So, this time period can be used by the students for revision. Revision is the essential part in studying. Many years of hardwork is fulfilled by revision before the exam. Revision is essential for complete understanding of the subject. During this lockdown students can make use the time for revision. Many will make this quarantine time by doing online courses and internship. But the students who are preparing hard for the exam can make use of time for revision.

“Financial Welfare”

This Online platform help many students financially. If they are going to any well known institute to study UPSC. They have pay high amount for the education. Most of the students cannot afford such huge amount. In that case, online platform play a vital role for their education. They can get educated for free of cost and for less money. They are many people who cracks their UPSC exam by learning through online platform. Students are get benefited by this way of learning. we must thank technology. Unacademy app has provided the free prelims exam for the students. It the great online platform.


Make use off online platform, this was the request to every students. Thus opportunity never exists again. While sitting idle in home and getting scolding from our mother which is being routine. just we can change our routine. By moving our path to make time useful. Time is the one which cannot be regained. Preliminary exam is the first one to face by the students. Have the beneficiary lifecycle. Make use of opportunities, which will never knock our doorstep.

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