Manoj Bajpai ( born 23 April 1969), also credited as Manoj Bajpai, Indian filmmaker actor who predominantly works in Hindi cinema and has also done Telugu and Tamil language films. In 2019 he was given India’s fourth highest civilian honour Padma shri forces contribution to art. Manoj Bajpai and Jacqueline Starrer “Mrs serial killer” is set to be released on Netflix on May 1. Fernandez stars in the thriller movie is directed by Shirish Kundar and produced by filmmaker wife Fara Khan.
A posts at by Netflix India(@netflix_in) on April 14 2020 at 9:40 p.m. PDT. the synopsis of the film reveals that a husband who is framed as a killer, while his wife performed to prove husband innocence. She also keeps in caption I’m now a part of the @Netflix_ in fam! can’t wait for you all to see my new Netflix original film serial killer get ready. I am very much excited to watch the series.