A police inspector in Uttar Pradesh’s Deoria was filmed masturbating at a woman when she visited the police station to lodge a complaint. After going through this repeated misbehaviour from this policeman, the lady decided to record it and the video went viral. She lodged a complaint against the police officer and informed the officials about the constant vulgar behaviour the inspector was showing her by touching his private area in front of the woman.
The officials have filed the complaint and have suspended the culprit. Also said that they will be taking apt measures for the situation. Station House Officer (SHO) of Bhatni Police Station, Bhisham Pal Singh, was seen masturbating in front of a woman complainant at the police station.
In these difficult times, we can’t even think that all the other negative factors would end. But they seem to be rising. I don’t know what else is going to happen now. All we can expect is mercy and a little kindness from everyone.
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