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US Vice President Mike Pence self-isolating himself after exposure to assistant positive with covid19

The vice president of the United States, Mike Pence will have to go for isolation for the next couple of days. Mr Pence’s press secretary had tested positive for Coronavirus and a day later another staff was diagnosed with the virus. Katie Miller who is Mr Pence press secretary tested positive on Friday and since then the White House has begun daily testing for the president and vice president.

Mrs Miller is the wife of Trump’s aide Stephen Miller. During a meeting with the Republicans, Mr Trump said “She’s a wonderful young woman, Katie. She tested very good for a long period of time and then all of a sudden she tested positive”.

The vice president has since tested negative of covid19 after his exposure with Mrs Miller. Devin O’ Malley, a spokesman said: “Vice president Pence will continue to follow the advice of the White House Medical Unit and is not in quarantine, additional vice president Pence has tested negative every single day and plans to be at the White House tomorrow”.

The senior official made it clear that Pence’s precaution did not amount to self-isolation as there were no restrictions in his schedule. The president and his vice have come under criticism for failure to wear face masks during public events. Currently, the US death till is approaching 80,000 and most states have begun to reopen.

When Mr Trump was asked about the possibility of the outbreak in the White House he said, “All you can do is take precautions and do the best you can. Plus the wind was blowing so hard and such a direction that if the plague ever reached them, I’d be very surprised”. The president also added that he was correct to not wear a mask on his visit to the World War2 memorial as the elderly veterans were far away from him.

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