The most discussed actor of all times, Pankaj Tripathi was spotted having dinner with his latest Mirzapur co-stars Divyendu, Vijay Varma and many more. Divyendu Sharma, who got recognition after exhibiting the role of ‘Liquid‘ in Pyar ka Panchnama, released in the year 2011. On the other hand, we see Vijay Varma. We also spotted Pankaj Tripathi, who has played the leading role in various hit movies and series and has successfully played all his role.
The famous actors Mirzapur, which is a famous prime series were seen having a gala time over the dinner table. Vijay Varma posted an Instagram post saying “Mirzapur 2 ke party mein aapka swagat hain”. Mirzapur 2 is a recent prime series which is a thriller and a crime series. Other cast members like Ali Fazal, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Shweta Tripathi Sharma. The series both 1 & 2 received a very positive response from all the viewers.
The entire crew seemed jovial and were enjoying an open-air dinner and the people had also posted several Insta tags where they were seen looking very happy and the star Pankaj Tripathi.
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