Kangana Ranaut, one of Bollywood’s favourite actresses, has been on the news for quite some time. Recently a protest had been held by a farmer on the streets of Delhi for the laws that were passed without their consultancy. Kangana’s tweet on this issue has shocked many people. She tweeted “Shame… in the name of farmers har koi apni rotiyaan sek Raha hai, hopefully, the government won’t allow anti-national elements to take advantage and create another Shaheen Baag riots for bloodthirsty vultures and tukde gang…”
This was not tolerated by Himanshi Khurana, former Bigg Boss contestant and Punjabi Singer who retweeted on her comment saying “Oh she’s spokesperson now…..baat ko galt angle Dena inse sikhe koi….. taki Kal ko ye log Kuch kre Pehle se hi logo me reason faila dia ko Kyun Riot honge..“. Not only Himanshi Khurana but many other celebrities like Sargun Mehta also commented on her tweet. Next thing we know, Kangana Ranaut officially blocks Himanshi on Twitter.
Also Read | “SHOCK ALERT”, Kangana Ranaut “blocks” Himanshi Khurana after getting “slammed” on…