Looks like Virat and Anushka’s New Year just got even better. The star couple welcomed the new year with Hardik Pandya and his fiance Natasa Stankovic. The couple who is always encouraging fans to follow the safety norms ensured that everyone had followed the precautionary methods. The dinner took place at their home only.
Celebrations were filled with joy and laughter as they entered into this new decade. They had many reasons to celebrate, one being their upcoming bundle of joy and arrival of 2021. It was the occasion of Hardik and Natasa’s anniversary as well. Everyone was in high spirits and a gleeful mood as they swayed together and entered into 2021.
The couple looked very much in love as they both rocked the same coloured outfits. While Virat was wearing black pants and a black shirt, Anushka looked radiant in a black and off white coloured knee-length dress. Hardik and Natasa weren’t far either. They both were twining as well. He was wearing black jeans and a black and white shirt, while his gorgeous fiance was wearing a knew length velvet dress. The happy couples indeed enjoyed their night.
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