When Priyanka Chopra wants to give us some significant fashion inspiration, we can always count on her. And why not learn some advice from the desi girl herself if you’re getting married or attending one? In December 2018, Priyanka and Nick Jonas exchanged vows at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. Everyone is aware that PeeCee married in Jodhpur in a lavish yet private ceremony, and we all adored her bridal attire.
We observed Priyanka donning the customary Indian wedding attire of crimson. And we still continue to lavish her whenever we see her in her wedding attire. The actress donned a traditional red lehenga by Sabyasachi. The specially crafted lehenga was covered with sequins, exquisite Siam-red crystals, silk floss French knots, hand-cut organza flowers, and threadwork embroidery. The stunning costume was embroidered by 110 people over the course of 3720 hours. Priyanka accessorised her outfit with a multi-strand polki raani haar, a nath, a maang tikka, and uncut diamonds and emeralds.
The Christian wedding of Priyanka was nothing short of a regal nuptial. The actress was wearing specially made Ralph & Russo clothing. With a magnificent 75-foot long tulle veil, a pair of bespoke Jimmy Choo heels, and a strapless column dress composed of 2,380,000 pearl sequins, the full-sleeved gown was worn over the top. Priyanka had Nick’s complete name and the names of her parents sewn onto the outfit to give it a personal touch. PeeCee’s style is classic, and we adore every aspect of it.
Also Read | Why did Anushka Sharma choose Sabyasachi for her wedding attire?
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