It is a very happy weekend for the Kapoors and the Ahujas as Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja has been blessed with a baby boy on Saturday (August 20) in Mumbai. They tied the knot on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony and after four years of marriage, the couple announced in March on social media that they are expecting their first child together.
It is time for everyone to send congratulatory messages to the new parents as welcoming a first child only happens once in a lifetime. The new parents issued a statement to announce the birth of their child and expressed sincere and heartfelt gratitude towards the doctors and nurses who made this happiness possible and also thanked their family members who supported them on their journey of parenthood.
Sonam Kapoor’s father, Anil Kapoor became a grandfather for the first time and he shared a statement on social media saying that the Kapoors are elated and filled with joy to welcome the newest member of the family. Neetu Kapoor and Farah Khan were the first to break the news when they congratulated the happy couple on the birth of their first child. The readers have to wait a little longer to know the baby boy’s name as his name has not been revealed yet to the media.
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