In a lavish ceremony on Saturday night, Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra got engaged to lawmaker Raghav Chadha of Delhi. Following Sikh customs, the couple got engaged in Delhi in front of family, close friends, and notable guests at Kapurthala House.
The site was elegantly decked with white flowers, foliage, and fairy lights for the celebration. The rich meal included a variety of delicacies from the multi-cuisine buffet, including dim sum, pastries, kulfi, and delectable kebabs made in the style of Old Delhi.
The foods served during the celebration are seen in a video that has circulated on social media. It featured exquisite Old Delhi-style kebabs, dim sum, and a selection of sweets including cakes and kulfi.
According to News18, Sahaj and Shivang, two of Parineeti’s brothers who own culinary businesses, were in charge of planning the engagement meal.
Parineeti and Raghav welcomed the photographers stationed outside the venue and gave them candy after the ceremony. On Instagram, the pair posted images of their engagement. In her caption, Parineeti wrote: “Everything I prayed for… I said yes! Waaheguru ji meher karan…”
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