The wedding celebrations of Bollywood’s most romantic couple Rajkumar Rao and Patralekha are going on in full swing. Rajkumar and Patralekha are leaving no stone unturned to make every beautiful moment of their wedding memorable. Both are doing their marriage in grand and royal style. The couple has kept their wedding outfits special from the wedding venue.
Rajkumar and Patralekha have chosen a royal place that seems like a dream in itself to give a new height to their beautiful love story like their fairytale.
Before the wedding, pictures and videos of the couple’s engagement were revealed, which are still viral on social media. In the engagement function, Rajkumar Rao appeared in a royal style in a white sherwani.
Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha are dating since 2010. They have been living together for some time. In an interview, Patralekha had told that she had seen Rajkummar Rao on screen for the first time in the film Love Sex Aur Dhoka. This movie was released in 2010.
At the same time, seeing Patralekha in a TV ad for the first time, Rajkumar Rao lost his heart. That’s when the idea of marrying Patralekha came into his heart. Gradually, the two became friends, then their love blossomed. They started going to hangouts, long drives, watching movies together and today both of them are going to be each other forever after taking seven rounds.
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