It has been 13 years since the wedding of power couple Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan. Even after many years, their wedding is remembered by everyone as it was the wedding of the decade. The couple looked stunning with Aishwarya wearing the beautiful Kanjeevaram saree and Abhishek riding a horse. The couple got married on April 20, 2007. They welcomed their baby girl Aaradhya in the year 2011.
Coming to the look Aish on the wedding day, it was one of the most expensive looks. She wore a beautiful golden saree with traditional jewellery. The saree was embellished with many crystals and genuine gold threadwork. The saree cost Rs. 75 lakhs, making it the costliest.
Nonetheless, Abhishek had complimented Aishwarya, wearing a white sherwani with real gold embroidery. Nonetheless, the jewellery he had chosen had completed and elevated his appearance.
The designer behind this gorgeous outfit was Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla.
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