Filmmaker and Director B.R Chopra’s Mumbai home sold out. The property is located in a posh area of Juhu in Mumbai and has been sold for Rs. 183 crores. B.R Chopra died in 2008 in Mumbai Candy Hospital. The filmmaker was known for converting offbeat tales into socially relevant issues highlighting immortal classics. Some of his films are Dhool ka Phool (1959), Naya Daur (1951), Kanoon (1958), Waqt (1965), Humraz (1967), and Insaf ka Tarazu (1980), and Nikah (1982).
According to a report in Economic Times, B.K Chopra’s bungalow is spread over an area of 25000sqft. It was the family home of the producer. The house is bought by K. Raheja Corp for Rs. 182.76 crores and the company has paid a stamp duty of Rs.11 crore for registration.
K. Raheja Corp acquires assets from Renu Chopra. Who is the daughter-in-law of B.R Chopra and wife of late filmmaker Ravi Chopra? The property developers are seemingly planning to build a premium residential project there. The house is opposite Sea Princess Hotel. Where B.R Chopra ran his business.
Baldev Raj Chopra was born on 22 April 1914 in undivided Punjab. R.J Chopra’s interest in films began as a film journalist. After the partition, he moved to Delhi and then to Mumbai. He began his career by writing film reviews for the Cine Herald-Journal. In 1949, he produced his first film ‘Karwat’ which unfortunately flopped. In 1951, he tried his luck again as a producer and director of the film “Afsana”. Which becomes a Mega Hit at the Box Office. In 1955 he made his production house B.R films. Her debut film ‘Naya Daur’ for this production house was a huge success.
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