Karan johar’s iconic celebrity talk show “Coffee with Karan” is back with a new season. This season will be broadcast on the OTT platform Disney + Hotstar. The filmmaker who revealed the news via Instagram said every great story needs a wonderful turn.
Surprisingly the 7th season of the chat show includes a sheltered and entertaining segment for the viewer. Coffee with Karan season 7 will also include exciting new games for the visitors like coffee bingo, mashed up, and more according to reports. The new season of coffee with Karan is all set to premiere this week.
Before revealing the news, Karan johar joked with his fans on social media that coffee with Karan will never return, he wrote in a post concluding with three points. A few minutes, later after the director released an official statement revealing that the new season will not be on the channel while the OTT platform will be uploaded to Disney + hot-star.
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