Dream Girl 2, which stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday, has a new release date. The movie, which was produced by Ektaa R. Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor under the auspices of Balaji Telefilms Limited and was directed by Raaj Shaandilya, will now hit theatres on July 7, 2023. The original release date for “Dream Girl 2” was June 23, 2023.
‘Satya Prem Ki Katha’, starring Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani, is slated for release on June 29 of next year. According to reports, Ekta pre-released Dream Girl 2 from June 29 to June 23 in order to avoid competing with that film.
Dream Girl 2 also stars Ananya Panday, Annu Kapoor, Paresh Rawal, Manoj Joshi, Vijay Raaz, SeemaPahwa, and Rajpal Yadav in addition to Ayushmann Khurrana.
In a statement, Ayushmann said of the follow-up, “I am super stoked about ‘Dream Girl 2!'” This is my second film with Balaji Motion Pictures, and I appreciate Ektaa’s efforts to expand the franchise and move it forward.
It’s exciting to work with Raaj once more because I’ve found a friend in him.
I’ve been paired with Ananya Panday, and I can’t wait to see how the audience responds to our chemistry. Nushratt Bharuccha and Ayushmann starred in the 2019 smash hit Dream Girl.
Ayushmann portrayed a hotline caller in the movie who could transform his voice into a girl’s voice.
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