Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa, who have been dating for over a decade. The couple finally tied the knot on November 15, 2021. They got married in a traditional ceremony with only their family members and close friends in attendance. The Citylights actors had a destination wedding in New Chandigarh’s The Oberoi Sukhvilas Spa Resort.
Rajkummar wrote, “Finally after 11 years of love, romance, friendship and fun, I got married to my everything today, my soulmate, my best friend, my family. Today there is no greater happiness for me than being called your husband @patralekhaa. Here’s to forever .. and beyond ❤️” sharing a picture of their wedding.
Patralekhaa too shared a post. It read, “I got married to my everything today; my boyfriend, my partner in crime, my family, my soulmate…My best friend for the last 11 years! There is no greater feeling than to be your wife! Here’s to our forever…@rajkummar_rao.”
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