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WHO Annual meeting on Monday, likely to face investigation requests into China’s handling of Covid19

The uncontrollable spread of coronavirus is an issue of concern all across the globe. All the countries are fighting it in their own ways. Some countries are successful in controlling it at an early stage while others are facing the Stage-III terror due to the virus. The scientists, researchers and doctors from all around the world are trying their best to find a sure shot vaccine to fight this.

This has caused a health emergency for everyone. This has been a trouble to WHO- World Health Organisation to an extent that they have declared it as ‘Pandemic’. WHO’s Annual meeting is going to be held on Monday. It is more likely to face investigation that requests the countries to look into China’s handling of Covid-19. They have laid many do’s and don’ts to prevent the spread. They have laid a set of guidelines to avoid the transmission until a vaccine is made. The world is currently locked down in their homes.

Starting from Wuhan, China, this virus has extended its reach all around the world. It has caused severe casualties and spread in China. They, however, switched to lockdown for several weeks resulting to which they are witnessing the stable times. As China managed to get their hold on this virus other countries are seen to be affected grievously. The countries worst hit by it are the USA, Spain, Russia, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Brazil, Iran. However, countries like North Korea, Nepal, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have been dealing with the same very efficiently.

China has come out of it very efficiently. Within the weeks of spread, they have developed various health centres that provide quarantine and appropriate health care to the patients. WHO has requested India to lead a way that could help the world come out of it, also asking China to share the measures of effectively controlling the spread. They have achieved it so well in so little time that the conditions which were worst there are now stable which means that no new cases have been reported.

Everyone is desperately looking for proven medicines to finally find an end to this virus more importantly to end its scare that has brought the world to a halt. Till the time WHO comes out with new announcements and guidelines, it is advisable to follow the underlaid rules religiously. Staying at home, helping to break the chain and doing everything to prevent the virus and its transmission should be our prime focus. Let us move into Monday with our fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

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