Home » Trending » WHO in collaboration with Facebook launched a chatbox feature on the app to curb the spread of fake news and misinformation about the pandemic

WHO in collaboration with Facebook launched a chatbox feature on the app to curb the spread of fake news and misinformation about the pandemic

Fake news also mentioned as junk news, pseudo-news or hoax news could also be a kind of stories consisting of deliberate dis information spread via traditional journalism ( print and broadcast) or online social media. Digital news has brought back and increased the usage of faux news or tabloid . The news is then often reverberated as misinformation in social media but occasionally finds its thanks to the mainstream media also .
Fake news is written and published usually with the intent to mislead so on wreck workplace , entry or person, and gain financially or politically, often using sensationalist, dishonest, or outright fabricated headlines to increase readership. Similarly, dickbait stories and headlines earn advertising revenue from this activity.

The relevance of faux news has increased in post- truth politics. For media outlets, the power to draw in viewers to their websites is important to get online advertising revenue. Publishing a story with false content that attract users benefits advertisers and improve rating. Easy access to online advertisement revenue, increased political polarization and thus the recognition of social media, primarily the Facebook News feed, are implicated within the spread of faux news, which competes with legitimate news stories. Hostile government actors have also been implicated in generating and propagating fake news, particularly during elections.

Facebook is trying to redefine authoritativeness on the online as a neighborhood of its efforts to fight the spread of misinformation and abuse on its platforms.. the company unrolled a slew of announcements that aim to market more trustworthy new sources, tamp on group that spread misinformation and provides the general public more insight into how Facebook crafts its content policies writ large. The changes, broadly, seek to nurture what Facebook refers to as integrity on the platform at a time when many users, regulators, and politicians have come to ascertain Facebook and its other apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram and messenger, as chief propagators of propaganda, hate speech and fake news online.

Facebook announce to its many users that tailor-made warnings, highlighting facts about the coronavirus pandemic, after being accused of failing to counter the spread of outlandish conspiracy theories.

The leading social media platform has already been publishing fact-checking articles about the worldwide outbreak through its partnership with media organisation.
In this hour of need, it is therefore crucial that we do not spread any sort of fake news and misinformation as it would lead to more chaos. Hence, it can be seen that Facebook is working before hand to avoid the spreading of misinformation. Facebook is also seen to be working on a feature that will limit the number of group chats a message can be forwarded to. With these moves, it has become clear that Facebook is constantly working to reduce the stoppage of fake news.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Facebook has tried to keep users connected to accurate information from health experts. These efforts have seen the company direct over 2 billion people to resources from the WHO and other health authorities its COVID-19 information centre.

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