Alia Bhatt’s fans recently found her lookalike and people went crazy about this. A girl named Celesti Bairagey recently posted an Instagram reel captioned “Daar gayi” in which she was seen wearing a white top with a black skirt and the video was shot in Rajasthan which went viral.
Fans got confused and were seen commenting on her post about her similar looks with Alia. One of the social media users addressed her as “Choti Alia Bhatt” in the comment while other comments were “Alia Bhatt 2.0”, “Alia Bhatt part 2”. Bairagey is from Assam and is currently named as ‘ASSAM KI ALIA BHATT’.
At present, she has over 39000 followers on her Instagram and is managed by Madify Entertainment. She has also been featured in some regional music videos. Pictures and videos of this girl are getting increasingly popular on social media and have taken the internet by storm. People are awestruck by her cuteness and compare her smile with Alia.
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