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WHO says Covid-19 is hitting America’s the most

WHO stated on Friday, that America’s are facing the brunt of global Covid-19 pandemic at present with North and South America currently with 4 of the 10 worst-hit countries in the world.

According to WHO’s top emergency expert, Mike Ryan, the virus was “highly active” in Central and South America as he highlighted the problems in Brazil and Mexico. Ryan told in a press conference that, “The current situation in Brazil, now one of the global hotspots for the virus, was of the increasing concerns, especially in heavily populated cities. The country’s health system was “still coping”, although some intense care units were at a critical stage and under heavy pressure with more than 90% bed occupancy rates”.

According to a Reuter’s Tally, Brazil is the second worst-hit a country in the world, with 800,000 cases and 41,000 deaths. Meanwhile, according to WHO, Mexico has nearly 130,000 confirmed cases with more than 15,000 deaths.

However, both Brazil and Mexico lacks behind the US, being the worst-hit country with more than 2 million cases and nearly 114,000 deaths, with half of those deaths cases, are from New York only. The virus started spreading again as societies reopened and people meeting each other and moreover, the burning issue of Black lives protest.

While WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus stated that Vigilance is required worldwide against the “very dangerous virus” even in regions where it appeared to be on the wane.

Tedros is resistant to the need for any vaccines to be fairly shared among nations, amid concerns some could hoard drugs they develop. And hopes vaccines should be made available as a global public good, to ensure everyone has fair access to life-saving products that are developed.

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