Interior designer Gauri Khan, who was born in India, is best known for creating Princess Diana’s last home at Kensington Palace. Gauri graduated from Hansraj College, which is close to Delhi University. She also attended the esteemed Architecture and Environmental Design (ARED) institution.
In 1993, Gauri began her career working with Sushma Sawant on luxury house design projects. Gai then founded Hindustan Construction Company in 2000, which is built on a comprehensive creative segment that sells paints, furniture, and textiles that were all sourced by the business’s in-house designers.
In 2010, Gauri Khan established her own interior design business, which she named Gauri Khan Designs. This was the beginning of her career as an interior designer.
Gauri Khan discovered her love for interior design as she made some furniture purchases for her house. After that, she made the decision to make her hobby a full-time job and founded Gauri Khan Designs. Her initial ventures included building apartments for her brother and sister as well as an office in Bandra Kurla Complex, the centre of commerce in Mumbai. Gauri Khan has now been contracted to design a number of high-profile projects, including the residences of illustrious Bollywood actors like Sanjay Dutt, Priyanka Chopra, and Ranbir Kapoor.
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