Karan Mehra along with his family members, Kunal Mehra, Bela Mehra, and Ajay Mehra received anticipatory bail in the domestic violence case filed by Nisha Rawal. A day after receiving the bail, Mehra claims that his son Kavish Mehra is not safe living with Nisha Rawal.
The actor sat down with Pinkvilla where he revealed that he will not be stopping at anything for receiving sole custody of his son, Kavish. He then went on to answer whether or not he had applied for custody, ‘One thing at a time. Finally, I have got relief in matters that have been on for almost three to four months now. So we’ll deal with it one by one. Kavish is of course not safe with somebody like her, who is not in her own normal senses, and I will fight it out for him. No matter how long it takes‘.
When asked about his talks with his son, he replied, ‘How will I be in touch with him? To be in touch, who do I call? Kavish doesn’t have his own phone either. On social media, she (Nisha) kept saying different things, and on paper, she is doing it differently. To say, ‘Who’s stopped you to come inside the house’, and then four days prior to writing that she is trying to put restraining orders. What are you trying to portray?‘.
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