Home » Trending » With lockdown extension till May 17, liquor and paan shops will be opened in green zones

With lockdown extension till May 17, liquor and paan shops will be opened in green zones

The decision on the further extension of nationwide lockdown was taken on Friday, up to May 17. The extension was earlier predicted, and it will be laid up to two weeks from the end of lockdown 2.O.
The first phase of lockdown ended on 14 April, and the second phase was due to end on May 3.
With the total cases reaching 37,257; and more than 8K deaths, the Center has taken this decision. The lockdown is especially essential now to contain the virus, as it is still spreading uncontrollably, even amidst the lockdown.


The regions have been divided into Red, Orange, and Green zones, depending on the number of cases at those places. The restrictions imposed have also been relaxed accordingly. The Green zones are defined as the places where either ‘no case has been recorded yet’ or ‘no case has been reported in the past 21 days’.

Liquor and Tobacco

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has declared that the Green zones are allowed to open liquor and tobacco shops, given that
• There is at least six feet distance between people near the shops.
• There should be no more than 5 people at the shops at a time.
• And, liquor or tobacco consumption is not allowed in public places during the lockdown.

With the both being heavy tax payers to the Government, reopening can be beneficial to them as well as the people who have been addicted to that and are finding it tough without that.

The MHA has also declared that any standalone shops apart from those near to malls and supermarkets can be opened, irrespective of serving essentials or non-essential.

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