Amitabh Bachchan took to his Instagram handle where he shared a collage of throwback pictures as Natwarlal turned 41. Along with the college, he shared a caption in which he said that how one should be polite to others but also know to live the life at the fullest. The movie Natwarlal was released in 1979 which features Rekha, Amjad Khan, Ajit Khan in pivotal apart from Big B.
Nowadays it can be said that Amitabh Bachchan is the most active celebrity on the social media who keeps on sharing throwback pictures videos provoking poems and much more with his fans. He keeps his fans updating since the lockdown was announced. Today Amitabh Bachchan shared a new post in which he was seen remembering his movie Natwarlal which has completed 41 years today on June 8. He shared the picture along with a caption, “Life mein vinamr hona achcha hai .. lekin yaar .. Kabhi Kabhi thodi si ‘tadi’ bhi hone chahiye .. hain ki nahin ?”
His caption acknowledges that how one should be polite to others and in the same should not forget to add some madness in order to live the life at the fullest.
It can be said that Amitabh Bachchan is fond of sharing throwback pictures us if one goes through his account can find many of his throwback pictures with which she had shared amid the lockdown on his Twitter as well as on his Instagram handle.