Bollywood on-screen character Anupam Kher shared a fitness video of him in social media on Sunday and furthermore he expressed gratitude toward the hotshot’s Anil Kapoor, Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar for rousing him to remain fit.
He tweeted it saying, “Tomorrow, 25th May is a landmark day for me. Thankyou @akshaykumar @beingsalmankhan and @anilskapoor for almost forcing me to exercise regularly. It has not only made me feel better and healthier but also helped me spend an hour of my time in a focused manner in this lockdown time. Jai Ho! #Gratitude.”
This is not the first occasion where he is expressing gratitude toward these on-screen characters, he had said thanks to them ordinarily for motivating him and helping him keep up his wellness.
Not many years back the on-screen character has buckled down and made to cut down 14kgs of his weight. Even though he keeps saying few people inspiring him to make his body fit, the actor is having genuine assurance and dedicated aptitudes to keep his body solid and fit.
According to some news reports, the actor has his name enrolled in the rundown of big names who work it out hard in the gym to stay fit. Indeed, even in his 60’s, he can maintain his fitness and can easily act in action roles.