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Arvind Kejriwal’s press release highlights, Everything you need to know


Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal addresses a press conference on 7th June 2020 in which new guidelines for Unlock 1.0 are released. This is going to get implement from tomorrow that is 8th June 2020 – Monday.

According to CM, Delhi State will follow the same instructions and guidelines given by the Central Government. Here are the highlights from the speech of Delhi CM – Arvind Kejriwal.

Restaurants, Malls and Religious places to open in Delhi:

As per the guideline of Central Government- Restaurants, Malls and Religious places will be open from 8th June 2020, Monday. The same thing will be implemented by Delhi State Governance. Steps of precautions against the pandemic will be followed strictly. Citizens have to follow the 3 steps in order to use the new relaxations of lockdown 5.0. People compulsorily need to wear masks, sanitize their hands and also should maintain social distancing.

Hotels and Banquet Halls will remain close:

Though in this phase of lockdown there are relaxations provided some areas such as hotels and banquet halls will remain close. As it is noticed that maybe in due time these places may get attached to hospitals by transforming hotel rooms into hospital rooms because of the outbreak of Covid-19 cases.

Complete lockdown for Senior Citizens:

There will be no relaxation provided to senior citizens of the state. For them, there will be a total lockdown. They are requested not to move out of their homes and also no need to even interact with other family members. Rather they should be confined to one room. As this pandemic has affected the majority of senior citizens and in order to get control over such pandemic this step should be followed.

Covid-19 treatment will not be provided to non-Delhites:

Borders to enter Delhi province will open from tomorrow but no Covid-19 treatment will be provided to other state’s people as the situation for Delhi is becoming worse and out of control. And in order to gain control over Covid-19 this step is taken. People were asked for this opinion and about 7.5 lakhs suggestions were gathered and from it, around 90% of people were in favour of this decision. Also, an expert comity was set-up which had 5 expertise doctors. Keeping in mind the current Delhi Medical Infrastructure, the comity also suggested that no outsiders will be provided treatment for Corona. The comity said that till the end of the June, cases are going to increase and if outsider patients are allowed then in the time period of 3 days Delhi will be in need of 9000 other hospital beds.

Non-Delhites will get treatment under Central Government Hospitals:

There are 10,000 reserved beds under Delhi State Government and there are other 10,000 reserved beds under Central Government in Delhi itself. So for the convenience of people, it is decided that when borders of Delhi province will be opened than other state’s Covid-19 patients will be able to take treatment in Central Hospitals of Delhi but not Delhi State hospitals.

Private hospitals of Delhi will provide surgical treatments to every citizens:

Private hospitals of Delhi will not provide any treatment of Covid-19 to the people of other states. Though some private hospitals of Delhi where crucial surgeries are conducted which do not take place in any other hospitals of India are allowed to be open for each and every people. For treatment like Oncology, Transplantation, Neuro surgeries people are allowed to enter private hospitals of Delhi.

Thereby such decisions are taken to maintain the balance and not to harm any rights of the citizen of the country whether a Delhite or non-Delhite. With the implement of these guidelines, everyone will be able to get the proper health care facilities and as the condition of Delhi is becoming worse so in order to get control over it shortly one needs to follow those guidelines strictly.

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