The hearing of the bail Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan is done today. The court will resume the hearing on Thursday as ASG Anil Kumar Singh, NCB counsel, could not finish his argument by 5.30 pm today. It is expected to resume his argument on Thursday at 12 pm.
Narcotics Control Bureau in reply to Aryan Khan’s bail application said its primary interrogation has revealed that Aryan Khan is part of a bigger chain despite the fact that he was not in possession of any drug at the time of the raid. The NCB said the agency is not concerned over one person but the bail of one person can hamper the investigation. “They are some young kids. In many countries these substances are legal. Let us not penalise in bail. Let us not make it worse for them. They have suffered enough, they have learnt their lesson, if at all. They are not peddlers, racketeers or traffickers. We as a country have moved into a reformative state. Where earlier the punishment for consumption was five years has been brought down to one year in 2001,” Desai said.
Aryan Khan was arrested on his way to the party and he and Arbaaz Merchant were stopped at the gate of the party by NCB officials and were asked whether they were carrying drugs. No drug was found from Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Khan had 6-gram charas with him.
Also Read | Aryan Khan asks for ‘science book’ amid NCB’s custody
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