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Bar council writes to the chief justice of India to open courts from June 1

The Bar council of India has written to the chief justice of India.

In the letter to CJI, BCI chairman Manan Kumar Mishra urged to issue appropriate directions to all courts to resume physical open court hearings from June 1, 2020.

BCI chairman conveyed the reservation and grievances of advocates regarding the prevalent practice of virtual hearings, through a letter on 26 May.

He had requested the CJI that though the virtual hearing was the need of the hour the practice should be done away with as soon as covid-19 lockdown is lifted.

Mishra claimed that virtual courts are only accessible to a few lawyers, and 95% of the fraternity is brief, less or without work.

He added, only certain privileged Advocates are beneficiaries of virtual hearing whereas a huge majority of lawyers are left without work and therefore struggling to make ends meet.

BCI chairman admitted that the covid-19 situation will not go away anytime soon, Accordingly, the CJI has been asked to consider coming up with a suitable the scheme, containing guidelines which would facilitate Advocate to safely appear physically in court for an open court hearing.

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