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Donald Trump replies back after Twitter calls on President’s tweets

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized micro-blogging website, Twitter for tagging his two tweets under fact-checking warning label. He accused the company of “interfering” in the US election and “completely stifling” free speech.

In a tweet on Tuesday, Trump said, “Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 presidential election. They are saying my statement on Mail-In-Ballots, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud, is incorrect, based on fact-checking by fake News CNN and the Amazon Washington Post…..”

In another tweet, he said, “Twitter is completely stifling FREE speech, and I, as President will not allow it to happen!”

Twitter had appealed from users to check the facts of tweets sent by Trump and proved his claims about mail-in ballots to be false and had been misled to fact-checkers. Now, Twitter has provided a link to get the facts about mail-in-ballots that guides user to a twitter “moments” page with facts check and news stories about Trump’s false claims.

Twitter, according to its rules and regulations, is strictly against allowing the false or misleading information intended to intimidate or dissuade people from taking part in an election or other civic process.

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