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Barack Obama supports Joe Biden in the presidential race, says he has all the qualities we need

Barack Obama has finally taken over social media to endorse his former Vice President and a good friend Joe Biden. Obama in his 12 minute video clip said that he feels proud in endorsing his very good friend Joe for the president of United States, choosing Joe has as the vice president was the best decision he ever made and Joe has all the qualities we need in a president right now. Joe has character and experience to guide us the through the darkest times and heal us through a long recovery, the former president said in his video clip which was posted on Youtube, Twitter and other social media handles and the video received 1 million views after 39 minutes of posting. Obama used the same language that he used in his speech in 2017 while honouring former Vice President Joe Biden with the Medal of Freedom.

Joe Biden, 77 will be formally nominated by the Democratic Party during the National Convention in August. Last week he emerged as a nominee, and his rival candidate Senator Bernie Sanders withdrew from the race. Sanders supported Biden through a surprise live stream saying, “we need you in the white house, I will do all that I can to see that that happens, Joe”. With Sanders dropping the race it’s a direct face off between Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, who is running for re-election. In US a candidate can serve for two four-year term.

During his endorsement, Obama referred to the ongoing pandemic and highlighted Biden’s work during H1NI and Ebola pandemic the former president said, “Joe helped me manage H1N1 and prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the sort of pandemic we’re seeing now, He helped me restore America’s standing and leadership within the world on the opposite threats of our time, like nuclear proliferation and global climate change .” Obama also mentioned that Biden is extremely critical about Sander’s Medicare for all and Biden is liberal enough especially on healthcare but it’s time to go further than Obamacare plan should be made affordable for everyone and provide everyone with public option expand Medicare and finish the job so that healthcare isn’t just a right but a reality for everybody, Obama added. He further stated that, “There’s an excessive amount of loose end for us to only look backwards, we’ve to seem to the longer term and Joe and Bernie understand that”. Former vice president Biden told the media that he especially asked President Obama not to endorse him while, after the endorsement by Obama, Biden tweeted shortly saying the endorsement “means the world to me and Jill, we’re going to build on the progress we made together, and there’s no one I’d rather have standing by my side,”.

Biden has struggled a lot to reach out to the young voters and Obama’s endorsement could help him grow support towards the young voters in the voting bloc. Obama said that he’s sure that Biden will surround himself with good people – experts, scientists, military officials who actually know how to run the government and care about doing a good job running the government, and know how to work with the allies, and who will always put the American people’s interests above their own. According to the election data, Biden has a big support from the black voters, they are happy with history of his support to their community and his relationships with Obama. Biden has received so many endorsements from black leaders, such as Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., and civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.

In his speech President Donald Trump said that he doesn’t understand why President Obama has not supported Joe Biden since a long time, maybe he fears of something wrong. The president’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale said that Obama had no choice but to support Joe Biden, “Barack Obama spent much of the last five years urging Joe Biden not to run president out of fear that he would embarrass himself, now that Biden is that the only candidate left within the Democrat field, Obama has no other choice but to support him. Even Bernie Sanders beat him to it. Obama was right within the first place: Biden may be a bad candidate who will embarrass himself and his party. President Trump will destroy him”, said Parscale. Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said that President Trump has failed every test of leadership, including this pandemic and his incompetence has caused people not only with business or jobs but all their lives, we need to defeat Donald Trump and set the Democratic leadership back in the White House and in all the corners of the country.

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