In the new promo shared by Colors TV, Rakhi was seen getting back to being Julie and scaring Rahul Vaidya then Vikas Gupta and Aly Goni. She tells Abhinav that he only belongs to Rakhi and then he screamed ‘okay’.
Julie is a 200-year-old spirit who has never been happy according to her. Earlier also she had scared most of the contestants by behaving as Julie.
In the promo, Rakhi could be seen claiming to the entertainer of the house, Doing a little salsa with Abhinav, she says,” Its time for Julie to arrive”.
Stay tuned to know who will get the entertainer of the house. Most probably Rakhi has high chances to grab that position. Do watch Bigg Boss 14 to know more.
Also Read | BIGG BOSS 14- Salman Khan schools Abhinav says, ‘You are not being a good husband’…
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