Home » Entertainment » Celebrities react to pm modi’s request of lighting Diya on 5th April.

Celebrities react to pm modi’s request of lighting Diya on 5th April.

Since the corona virus breakdown got rapidly spread in India ,Our honorable prime minister announced janta curfew and later after that a nation wide lockdown to prevent the spread of the novel corona virus . He did it because this was the only option left for him to control the spread of corona virus in the nation . When he announced the janta curfew many people were against him but those who knew the intellect of this man came forward and supported him . And now on 3rd April prime minister narendra modi came up with a brilliant idea so as to keep enlighten the spirit among the citizens of the country to practice social distancing and to create awareness about the lethal Corona virus to prevent it from spreading.

What is going to happen on 5th April ?

He on 3rd April announced through a video message that all the citizens of the country are requested people to light up diyas ,candles ,torchlights at 9 pm on Sunday ,April 5th for 9 minutes. The motive behind this activity is that the pm wants people to fight the darkness of coronavirus by lighting diyas ,candles , torchlights or mobile flashlights . He wants the citizens of the nation to actively participate in this so that by watching a single person may encourages many others to keep social distancing alive among the masses ,to be aware of the current situation of the nation and to prevent the spread of the virus . He do want the people to be lethargic at home so therefore he is introducing various activities that will keep burning the fire amongst the people to prevent the spread of corona virus.

Celebrities reaction to the prime minister’s announcement !!
Various celebrities have reacted to our prime minister’s current announcement.
Tapsee pannu recently tweeted
New task is here !yay yay yayy !!!

Hema malini our legendary actor favoured our prime minister’s announcement and tweeted :
Let us take an oath to be with our PM @narendramodi in this long & arduous war against the deadly corona virus . This is the time to come together & show our solidarity as one & help our govt in controlling covid . We will carry out his request on 5th April are you all in agreement?

Prason joshi also came forward and tweeted :
हमारे प्रधानमंत्री जी ने कोरोना के अंधेरे से लड़ने के लिए हमसे ५ अप्रैल को ९ बजे ९ मिनट के लिए साथ आने का आग्रह किया है,हमें ये करना है और जुड़ कर प्रकाश बनना है… अपनी ये कविता इसी भावना को समर्पित करता हूँ। #IndiaFightsCorona

Rangoli chandel loved the idea of our prime minister and tweeted in his support
Lighting diyas is a very good gesture, Diya creates an ethereal aura which is very calming and effective , to show each other our support let’s do this , I love how @narendramodi ji also focuses on our emotional needs and tries to heal us in every way …. jai shree ram …

Along with lovers our respected prime minister also has some haters who always give their critical reviews on all his acts , rules and regulations.

Shruti Seth has currently tweeted:
Can we please have some real solutions for once !!!! People are homeless, jobless and hungry and candles aren’t going to cut it .
Vir das a public figure anchor , actor has also tweeted :
Repeat :Sunday is an indoors show of solidarity . It is not Diwali

Be it the supporters or the haters of our prime minister Narendra modi, we hope everyone supports the activities announced by our prime minister Mr. Narendra modi because he is at a position where he knows what is right and what is not . Being in our homes and talking about the solutions and not supporting any practicality is easy but our prime minister me. Narendra modi has gained a position with all his hard work and knows what to do when and how to make our nation free from the novel corona virus.

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